Saturday, July 31, 2010

On my own again!

I'm officially on my own today. Momma left this morning to head off back to 105 degree weather! I must say, I'm happy that's not me. I'm actually really enjoying the cool weather here.

Some things I absolutely love about Seattle:

There are always things to do. Everybody here hikes, kayaks, snowboards and plays intramural sports! Ultimate is huge here, for that I'm extremely excited.

Everyone is very friendly and willing to help. I moved here knowing nobody and I already went out with one girl named Courtney. I was invited to a pool party. And I meet new people every day.

Seattle is a green city! Everything is organic. Most people take the bus. There's tons of gluten-free bakeries. Fresh fruit and veggie stands everywhere. 24 health food stores AND 24 hour grocery stores. Kick ass! How many times has it been 10pm and you're saying, "crap, Publix is closed!" Used to happen to me all the time, so this makes me quite happy!!

It's so easy to get around everywhere without a car. The bus and water taxi system are simple. Yet, I've never ridden a bus so the complications for me are a little greater. I tried the other day with my mom. It was an epic fail. I found the right route, which buses to transfer to and where to walk to get on the bus. I failed to figure out how often the bus came and which side of the road I was supposed to be on to actually get on the right bus. Oops.

It's absolutely, breathtaking gorgeous. Don't you wish you lived here?

I still haven't found a place to live, but let me tell you! Some of the options are like going to college and living in a fraternity house all over again! Hell no I'm not doing that. I'm currently debating about paying out the butt for this one house because I love the guy and he has a hot tub! Woo hoo! And then I just got an email from a guy in the area I really want to live because it's close to the businesses I've been applying for, so I still have yet to see that place. I found one house in a GORGEOUS location. Like whoa...I was absolutely amazed. Only problem is that it is about 30 minutes from the city. I'd rather live closer and not have to commute as much, especially if I do get one of the jobs I've applied for. I really hope I get one of them! Most of the jobs I've applied for are salary positions at either hospitals or the cancer research facility doing research! I know!! It's the job I've always wanted. I'm not holding my breath though. I don't need to be let down again. Well,'s almost 8am here and we're about to head out to Pike's Place Market to buy some fresh fruit and veggies from the local farmers here. I absolutely love the food here. I can't wait until people come up to visit to show them around!

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