Friday, July 23, 2010

You're the only Ten I See.

After a ten hour drive, we have now arrived in Nashville, Tennessee. Sitting in the Music City Hostel Office working on this with 5 other travelers like myself watching the country music station (of course). I accidentally left my camera in the room and the HORRENDOUS heat index outside here is deterring me from walking the 50 feet to go get it. So, you'll have to wait on the pretty pictures on the drive through FL, GA and TN. Actually, it was like 5am when we left this morning so I didn't even say goodbye to FL. Just drove through like any other normal trip...

I feel like the temperature here is way worse than Florida, what the hell?! It feels like 105. We were going to walk around the city. SO not going to happen now!

Drive wasn't too bad. Saw one of my few florida sunrises to send me off on a great note. The sun was beautiful rising over the grassy farms with just the right amount of mist hanging over to cast a radiant brilliance around the highway for the first few hours. Being dead tired, getting about 3 hours of sleep and driving on the highway at oddly normal hours wasn't really my top choice in things to do, but it was easy. It was a different feeling being on I-75 driving through Atlanta. I was there not even a month ago! Deja vu like none other. It's entertaining realizing that I just made this trip not too long ago. Not the same trip in any way.

Ollie's doing fine. I know you're all worried. He's alive and kicking it old school listening to Marcy Playground, Third Eye Blind, Collective Soul and other hits from the 90s. We've already gone through 2 of my playlists, so if you have any favorite driving tunes, let me know. I need to make a new playlist for the next 40 hours of this trip...oh goody

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