Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No Hand Hugs in Seattle

We figured it out! We’ve been through eleven states on this trip! What? Did you read that right? We’ve officially traveled through more than one-fifth of the country. Well, in the last two months I’ve traveled through 18 states. YEAH BUDDY!

Pray to whoever you believe in as to why when I walked into the giant Church of Latter Day Saints in Salt Lake that I wasn't struck dead on the spot wearing a low cut short dress. If I had known we were going to a temple, I might've dressed a little more conservatively, but needless to say, I didn't know. It was a very gorgeous place, but the people weren't really my type of people and I didn't have a lot to say. I just admired the general splendor.

The drive from Salt Lake to Pendleton, OR was just a hassle and a half. We were so tired of being in the car and that just made the short…8 hour trip unbearable. Pendleton, OR is a small, Podunk town off the side of the highway. We stayed at what some would call a less than special hotel called the Relax Inn. Mom thought we were going to be eaten by bed bugs or killed by the trucker sitting in his underwear eating chicken and drinking milk with his blinds wide open. The room was not too bad though. Two beds, not too shabby, an actually clean refrigerator. We were in walking distance of like 5 restaurants and like 17 bars! The only downfall to this small town was the fact that every one of those said restaurants closed at 9pm. We arrived in this small little town at 8:45pm hungry and ready to eat. Too bad, so sad. We did end up finding a restaurant with 10 minutes to spare and ended up eating there. It was a really nice steakhouse called Hamley’s. I ended up having this pasta that was phenomenal and momma had baby back ribs. Yum! We each had a glass of wine…loopy. Went to sleep back at the killer hotel/motel place and got woken up at 5am to Jack calling us about my grandmother being in the hospital. It’s okay, don’t worry. She’s doing fine, just chilling in the hospital for the time being. No reason to be worried. But in this time, we both woke up and ended up being really tired that morning because of the little sleep we did get.

Only 5 hours from Pendleton, OR to Seattle, WA! Woo hoo! On the way we stopped at Starbucks and hung out for a little while. It was actually kind of funny because my cousins have a summerhouse in Seattle and we were going to stay with them, but none of them keep their cell phones on, so we were driving to Seattle blindly without knowing where their house was. I ended up searching for it on Yellow Pages while we were at Starbucks and we prayed that it was the right address by the time we actually pulled into Seattle!

It was so beautiful! This is my new home. Absolutely gorgeous! I can’t believe I chose this place to live. Once we got here we finally got a hold of my cousins and found we out we were on the right street, wrong house. Nice! The house is wonderful and I wish I could stay in their room upstairs, but sadly they already rented it out come August 20. However, I am allowed to stay here until I find a place and even might be able to stay in their friend’s basement room if I still don’t have a place by then! That’s wonderful.

I did get to go see two houses after I got here. They were absolutely AWFUL! It would be like living in a frat house all over again. What the hell? It’s like 8 bedroom houses with two bathrooms and there is no way in hell I’m sharing a bathroom with 4-5 guys! No way! I did go to another house and meet a lot of the people that lived there, but that house wasn’t exactly clean either. Afterwards, we came back to my cousins and had dinner and watched Zombieland. Yes! My two cousins, Evan and Nathaniel then went into a tense discussion about what to do and what to stock up on during the zombie apocalypse. It made me laugh the moment Evan said during his finals last year he had already created a playlist with his friends at Brown to listen to when the zombie apocalypse comes about…Brown kids. Give them a break. What else would they be doing?

This morning I woke up around 9am freezing. I’m not even kidding! It was so incredibly cold here. It was almost 50 degrees this morning and I was in shorts and a t-shirt with only a small blanket over me. I was so not prepared for that! It took me like 2 hours to warm up. I can’t wait for winter. I have to say I’m only unprepared because all of my “cold” clothes are packed in Ollie. I don’t believe in winter, summer, spring and fall clothes; I have cold clothes and warm clothes. I went to visit another house today. The guy’s name is Chris and his in the navy. He seemed like a great guy, very outdoorsy and extremely nice. The room is kind of small, but I also would get the sunroom across the hall as my own. I could turn it into a guest room/closet, which could be nice! He also has a hot tub! Hell yes!!! I could totally be down for a hot tub in the middle of winter here.

We also went to downtown Seattle today and walked along the waterfront and also went to Pike’s Place Market. I thought my friends would love the fresh markets here at Pike's Place because of this sign. Let’s just say there’s a lot of things I’ll need to get used to living here. First off, if a car pulls up right behind me on a hill I need to learn to not peel out driving forward up the hill. Second, there are stoplights letting one person in at a time onto the highway. Third, I’m in desperate need of learning how to parallel park. I practiced today outside my cousin’s house using her trashcans and mailboxes as the cars and I might have run over the trashcans, but I thought I did very well despite that minor obstacle. I will work on these over the next few days. Next time you see me I will be a hill driving, parallel parking god. You can bet on that!

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