Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why Seattle

I feel like there is so much I have to get done and absolutely no time to do it. My days have been fully packed, pun intended, with saying my goodbyes to friends, getting my affairs in order and trying to find a place to live and a job on the other coast.

I know everybody's question has been "Why Seattle?!" So, here's my answer: I hate Florida. If any of you have listened to me over the last few years you know that I couldn't wait to graduate and get the hell out of Florida. I love the beaches; I love my friends; I love my family, but that's not enough to make me stay. I've always had a knack for adventure and it's been a dream of mine to move somewhere where I didn't know anybody to try and figure the world out on my own. I quit my job at Bubba Gump's about two months ago, so being jobless, living at my parents, and doing absolutely nothing with my time meant that I needed to move on. Because how pathetic does that sound?!

I started off by looking for apartments here in Pinellas, but that meant trying to find a job here. I just didn't know if I wanted to continue on the path I was on. So, I looked into North Carolina. I love it there! Everything about that state attracts me, but I've been there so many times. I lived in the southern version of it for the first few years of my life. If I'm really going to change the path I'm on I think it needs to be a 180. In turn, I decided to look into apartments out of the country. Morocco, New Zealand...but that's ridiculously hard to find jobs. And then, I can only stay for months at a time because of the hassles of work visas. Here's where you find me about this time last week. Pacific coast? Why yes! I've had friend after friend take the journey cross-country and love every minute of it. First ones to Las Vegas, others to San Fran, San Diego and LA. I want to follow them, but like I said, I wanted to start completely new. Portland and Seattle were my top two choices and from what I've heard Seattle is amazing.

Seattle. Beautiful, picturesque landscapes. Wonderful, laid back people. A whirlwind of activities and jobs galore. I have a few jobs I've been looking into. Photographer, office coordinator & bartender for an event venue, nanny. Basically anything to give me a paycheck because I'm not starting off with a lot of money. Practically nothing, actually. Oh well! There's more of an adventure for me. I have to learn to stand on my own two feet within the first two months. Good luck!

There will be pictures later of all the crap I'm about to try and fit in Ollie. Ollie's going to need prayers that he'll make it the whole 4500 miles, but I have faith in him. It just seems like nobody else does...

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