Sunday, July 25, 2010

Not a Real Post

So tired from today and so many amazing pictures and things that happened. However, my mom left her camera in the car, so there will be a great post tomorrow with pictures when I have the capacity to actually understand the words I'm typing. With great effort you did not just read cpaocity to atucpally unvderstand...Yes. That tired. I-70 still continues to be the worst road in the history of roads, but I-191 comes a close second. Stupid F'ing mountain roads that wind every which way, down, up and have faint white and yellow lines to show you where the road actually is. I made this trip in the dark! Who designed this road? Someone please fill me in because they should be hunted down, tied up, gagged and made to drive their road at night in a Semi.

Stupid mountain roads.

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