Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My life in Seattle consists of this:

EPIC Success in figuring out the bus routes. Yes, you read that right! I did not prevaricate. I had a class downtown at 1pm yesterday. I went online, found the bus I was supposed to take, had the necessary amounts of money with me and I got on the bus just like the Seattlites! I made my way downtown with no problems. The way back was a different story because I was short a nickel, but all in all it was a success.

I work at the Snoqualmie Casino Thursday. I babysit Friday in Leschi (pronounced Lesh-eye). And I work at Chateau Ste. Michele Saturday. Let's get used to the new Native American names here. No more Seminole and Kissimmee. Here in Seattle is a whole different realm of people, haha.

I went to Borders and picked up my GRE study guides. I have my list of words for the day next to me. One of which just happens to be prevaricate. Luckily, I seem to know most of the words on the list, so that's a big help. I don't know if you knew that lawyers are raconteurs with endless machinations to win big. However, when they lose, they almost always become lachrymose. I'm going to rock this, eventually.

If my computer didn't want to be a jerk, I'd have already uploaded before and after pictures of my room. Nevertheless, it is a jerk and I cannot fix it right now. I have 50 words to learn and know and write down! I hope I have articulated well my life so far; I try to be as candid as possible while I imbue the information on you to placate your sense of wonder on how my life is evolving.

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