Monday, August 2, 2010

Job Search

Being that it's finally Monday and the weekend is over, I'm off on my way to find a job. Since I almost have a place to live, it's about time I find a way to bring in some money that I'm desperately lacking! I'm about to get up and out of bed to go for a quick run.

The weather is SO nice to go running in. I finally understand why everywhere you drive you see people in their workout clothes on the side of the road running; no matter where you are! It's absolutely fabulous.

After the run today I plan on traveling over to Ballard where my, hopefully, future house will be and looking for jobs. I am applying EVERYWHERE! I've already sent my application out over...30 times I think. I need to find a full-time position where I get 10.00 an hour. That's all I need to survive here with the amount of rent I'd be paying. So, that should be relatively easy. Most of the retail shops around here pay a min of 10/hr, so I just need to get hired somewhere! I'd prefer a serving position over retail, but I'll take anything I can get at this point. Wish me luck today on the job search.

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