Friday, August 27, 2010

Life is easy

Haven't had much to do the past couple of days, so I've been catching up on my seasons of shows. Finally finished Dexter and True Blood, so I'm ready for the seasons. Well, let's say I'm caught up on True Blood.

I finally put up the pictures in my room. I'm not exactly sure how much I like them up. I love being able to look at all my favorite pictures from around the world, but it's almost a little claustrophobic for me. I put a chair in the corner of my room for someplace to read, so now it makes my room feel smaller. I don't know how happy I am with the layout. I'll let it stay for a few days and see if I grow accustomed to it or not.

I've been sort of an insomniac again. I'm not at all happy about that. I've been pretty good since I got here, but last night I had this dream that had me tossing and turning until 1pm. 1 freaking pm! I haven't slept that long since my days off in high school. I did stuff around the house for a little while, but it was raining outside today and I couldn't do anything I had planned on. I had wanted to walk to Kinkos and scan my Food Handlers Permit to send to my job, so I can legally work there. I had wanted to take my GRE books to a park and study outside for awhile. There was so much I wanted to do outside today and unfortunately the rain and cloudy weather made me stay inside.

Over the past two days, however, I have applied to a million more positions. I've contacted labs directly and been pointed in various directions, but I do have a professor willing to chat with me about an upcoming tech position when he gets back from vacation Sept. 7. So that's something at least. Other people are just referring me to more people. It's all about who you know and I'm just trying to get my name out there! Hears to hoping something comes from my efforts. I am in desperate need of a real job though. Whether it be the Wild Ginger, where I happened to have had a second interview Tuesday, or one of these lab positions I have been so desperately applying for.

Made a couple of new friends recently. Started talking to the guy that runs the outdoor film cinemas during the summer. He invited me to come out and meet his friends. I thought that was incredibly nice of him! Then the event manager from Snoqualmie invited me to come out with him. So, I might actually have things to do.

I was actually very upset Tuesday having to go to my second interview. I have found a great gym with a gorgeous boot camp instructor; his name is Josh and he's well-versed in martial arts. He also decided he wanted to kick my butt to see if I'd come back. I wanted to prove them all wrong, that I would come back, but I had to try and get a job instead. Well, needless to say, plans are on for this Tuesday and I can't wait to go and listen to my favorite bands while I work out with Josh again! I swear though, I may end up hating my favorite music at the end of these classes if he keeps it up.

I should probably try to get some sleep. Sadly, I am not anywhere near tired.

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