Sunday, August 29, 2010


See, I think this is what I don't get. Everyone lives the lives they lead. People go to their jobs and are unhappy with the life they have. I tell people I moved on a whim and they proceed to exclaim they're proud of me and wish they could do exactly what I did. It's not like this has not been without it's difficulties. I struggle every day. There's still a lot I'm trying to deal with. I just can't understand why I think so differently than everyone else. If I'm unhappy with my life I'm going to change it. Why not? What's stopping you? You're living now. Don't tell me there's obligations. Everyone has obligations. I have responsibilities too, to myself. I need to make sure that my life is leading in the direction I want it to be going. Your obligations will move too. These people that work their 9-5 jobs waiting for retirement are "waiting for their lives" to start. What's wrong with spending your money now on that trip to Europe you've always wanted or the pilots lessons you've dreamed of since you were a kid? You're healthy and alive right now. This is your life.

Risks are entirely about fear. Once you get over the fear of losing, you can conquer anything. Risks lead our lives everyday. They're what make it worth living. Without the fear or the sadness we'd never be able to truly enjoy the moment.

Like laying on a blanket with the sun warming small patches of your body as the sweet melody from the boy strumming his guitar floats across the park in your direction. The serene blue of the cloudless sky looks like the crystal clear waters of the Keys in contrast to the stark evergreen trees standing gallantly above you shading bits and pieces of this perfect little moment around you. Now this, this is life.

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