Monday, August 30, 2010

A few days in the life of Me!

I feel like things are settling in now. Finally.

I mean, it's only been a month, but still. I'm starting to really enjoy life here. This weekend I spent Friday working for Microsoft then went out for drinks and a movie with my roommate Mel. Horrible movie, but good company. There was a fire alarm right when it started and they evacuated all 5 floors of the mall we were in. Insane. Firetrucks and everything. By the time we got back up the 5 flights we got a free movie and ours had already started. So, even though "The Final Exorcism" is awful, we did get a free movie out of it.

Saturday I spent the day in the park, where the last post was written. It was a gorgeous day and I walked to my friend Chris's house then to the park about 15 blocks from my house. I brought my GRE books and spent time enjoying the sun and peacefulness of being outdoors in such a pretty area. There was a guy for about 2 hours strumming on his guitar and played some great music, perfect for the surroundings. Only downside was the guy who decided the hills were a perfect place for dirtbike driving. I about stood up and threw something at him, I was so pissed. He was ruining a great day, but he soon left. Then I hurried home and talked to my friend Efren on the way and then my sis for about an hour. I got in my car and picked up Mel, the roomie, to take her to the Mural Ampitheatre where they had an outdoor showing of Star Trek! Efren and Barb met up with us and we had a couple of beers and some popcorn to fully enjoy the experience. It was freezing by the end, so we headed off to a little sports bar and got free beer from pingpong players while we played Cranium. Barb and I ruled the board. It was a relatively easy win, haha. So sorry for Efren and Mel. It was a great night!

Sunday I cleaned up my room and walked to the Ballard Farmer's Market again. This week I went by myself. I went to the gluten-free bakery and got a loaf of bread, some vegan hummus (sooo yummy) and some plums. Then I went to the ritual sushi place and sat with John for happy hour. Miso soup, gyoza and crispy spicy tuna roll. I was stuffed. I took a ton of pictures along my walk, so I can share with you my little neighborhood.

Today I woke up and went to PCC (the entirely organic grocery store) and got some essentials. I got a paycheck in the mail from one day of work at TSS. I should get a bigger check this next week! Yay for money. I got home and did laundry, cleaned the bathroom and waited for my friend Alissa to call to go out for coffee and we walked to a little cafe down the street. It was fabulous. She's a talker though...I love meeting new people.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow though. If I get up early enough I might go to yoga on the lake, then off to my "orientation" shift at Wild Ginger. It's been rated the #1 restaurant of Seattle for the past 11 years and I got a serving job there! It's a pretty extensive wine and food menu. Really easy work though, not a lot for a server to do but tend to their tables. Pretty cool if you ask me. Then when I get back from work I hope I can go to my boot camp class with Mr. Gorgeous! Then my friend Mike is picking me up at 8 to go to a bonfire to meet some more people.

Yay for a completely brand new lifestyle! I feel like I'm fitting in nicely <3

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