Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 12 Today

So, I did my first double on Day 8-9. It was...difficult. I did a 75 min Bikram followed by a 90 min Bikram. Needless to say I thought it was 75 Vinyasa and 90 Bikram which is, to say the least, do-able. I struggled through the second class because of a lack of water and proper motivation. The only thing that made me go to the second class was Derek. He's a guy I befriended because he's working on his 90-day challenge! He's done with it next week! Can you believe that?! 90 days. Ugh. I definitely couldn't do that. Well, I possibly could, but then I'd have no weekend trips or weekends in the 'Boro. That would just be awful.

Day 10 went by in a haze. I went to the 6am class and Kelly (one of the sisters) taught this class. Let's just say she's definitely tougher than her sister. She teaches a pretty stringent class, but I've heard I haven't had the worst yet. Her name is Jenn and she normally teaches the 6am; I've never had her. I focused on breathing this day. I'm just having a difficult time with that. I stayed in child's pose most of this. My body was just drained. No stamina. No drive. So I did what I could and tried to keep an open mind for the next day.

Day 11 was another 6am sunrise yoga. Kelly taught again, but this time I kept up only going into child's pose a few times. I grabbed a block to help with my reaches because I still, in fact, cannot touch my toes. Which is kind of a bummer. I thought almost halfway through this that I'd be further along. I won't let it get to me though. These are the kind of things to breathe through and move passed.

Day 12 is today :) I'm planning on going to the 7:45pm class. It's only an hour, but I need to stay at work today a little longer than usual. Trying to make those big bucks, you know? Ha. Anyways, it's only 60 mins and I figured out what my focus would be on today: pulling my stomach in and locking my core. I find this is another problem I have which I only notice in certain poses, so I need to focus on it. And today I cannot decide between Reid or my sister to be the reason why I go. I think Reid's going to be the winner today (sorry Meg, he needs it more). If any of you know anyone or any job opening in Nashville, let me know so I can send his resume along. Never hurts to ask!

On another note, Reid and I got accepted on our apartment!!! I know, I'm excited too. It's super nice, in a great area (upper Bellevue by Belle Meade). I've got to call them today to talk about when to put down the deposit, but probably soon. It's a 3bd/2ba which we got at an insane price! Cute little neighborhood, right by one other woman in my lab. She says we'll have to have dinner parties now being so close! Woo friends. We have furniture for the 2 bedrooms, but we're trying to figure out where to go with the third...any ideas? Let me know. A whole other room to do whatever with for cheaper than a 2 bedroom (by almost $100), kind of cool. No, it is cool.

Work is calling. I wish everyone a great day today.


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