Monday, September 12, 2011

Update, update, update

I don't know how many of you are reading this anymore due to my lack of updates, but I'll continue for the sake of reading my own words.
Plus, it's probably a good idea for me to write things down because if you know me, I'm a bit on the absent-minded side at times, or just forgetful. I'd just like you to think I'm not just FORGETTING you. I'm just in my own world (...uh huh).

Well, as always, I did not finish the 30-day challenge, however, I did sign up for another unlimited month at a different studio. I don't think I'll do 30 days again, but I will do my best to go as much as I can. I say 3/4 if possible.

Life has been rather uneventful as I'm sure most people could guess, but as in all things ups and downs do come. Up- Reid got a job a few days after my last post! He's a copywriter for an online marketing firm and doing exceptionally well at it. I on the other hand am ridiculously busy at work doing monotonous things in a very tedious way. I'm also apparently working on trying to break my fingers off after sitting in -80C freezers all day (the tedious work of reorganizing and inventory). I regret to inform you that somebody has to do it and I'm the one stuck at the bottom of the totem pole these days.

I've finally decided on what to do (for now) and am applying to get my MLI from Vandy starting August of next year. The Masters is only available to RA's at Vandy who have been here for a year and by the date the apps are due will be one year and one day for me. Fate? Yes, I do declare. So, going to start back up that GRE studying again. Must ACE, please and thank you.

These days are basically filled with movies via Netflix, work, hanging with the boy and going out. Reid and I put down our deposit on our apartment, moving in October 21! Yippee skippy! I'm so excited I'm beyond words. I cannot wait!! Only one more month...

Well, my parentals are in Costa Rica right now and as it gets colder outside I'm wishing I could be lounging in the Central American sun with them. Someday soon I'll get back to my whirlwind trips. Already talking to Reid about what we could plan for the coming years. Saving has already commenced!

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