Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 2/Day 3

I was stoked to be going to a sunrise yoga class, but a little apprehensive to the fact that it was Vinyasa. I made my focus and goal of this class just to make it through it. Nothing else. Just be present, breathe and listen. I did just that and did every posture but 1 and a half. I was so proud of myself for completing it! I've never been able to do that through a Vinyasa before.

Wednesday I was ridiculously sore from Day 1 and Day 2, so I decided to take my break. I took one day, which will not happen again.

Today I took a 60 min Bikram class. These are my favorites, but I prefer the 90 mins better. I decided to make my focus on breathing this evening. I notice I hold my breath through difficult things, postures, life experiences, etc. I need to learn to breathe through it. Take each good thing in and exhale the bad. So, tonight, that's exactly what I did and I dedicated my practice to Reid. He needs positive karma to come his way for the next few weeks while he tries to find a job; I sent all my energy waves his way.

If you'd like me to dedicate my positive energy towards you in a practice or need help through something that's going on in your life- tell my mother or me and I will send my energy your way. Tomorrow is another sunrise yoga and then perhaps an evening class to make up for Wednesday. Good luck to me.


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