Tuesday, August 9, 2011

End of Week 1

Today starts Days 8 and 9 (hopefully working my way through two classes today!).

This week has not been as tough as I expected. I was a little sore Day 3, but fine by Days 4 and 5. I set the focus of my practices this week on breathing. As I said before, I hold my breath through anything I find difficult, but slowly I am learning to breathe through the difficulties. Now if only I could adopt that into my daily life. Days 4, 5 and 6 I sent all my positive energies out to my sister, Meghann. She's waiting in her last week and a half to hear back about whether her thesis is accepted. I know my sister pretty well, so I know she has nothing to worry about, but she is indescribably anxious (as one would expect)and she can take as much positive energy as she's given!

Day 7, however, I switched it up. I had a bit of a disagreement, fight, tiff (whatever you want to call it) with Reid. He's just going through a rough patch which, in turn, means I am going through it as well. It's hard for me to stand by and show support and be unendingly optimistic because I've been in his shoes. I know how it feels and it is miserable. I just need him to see that in the end it all gets better, but first you swallow your pride (everyone does it) and accept anything that comes your way. I was a little harsh with him and I apologized, but I went into yoga in a bit of a funk. I just couldn't break it. Anything that anyone did set me on edge. A girl slams her mat on the ground and I cringe, ball up my fists because it's the only thing stopping me from yelling at her for not being quiet in the meditation room. A guy coughs and all I think is he should be quiet. I needed silence. Peace. I needed some stillness and energy my way, but I dedicated mine to him. He needs the love and reassurance that I so did not give him yesterday.

Happily though, he showed up on my doorstep last night apologizing and hoping for a better night last night and day today. I came in to work early and picked an early class for yoga so we could have all night together, but alas he left to go the 45 minute drive back home. Sitting at my house all day while I'm at work is apparently not a fun time.

Looks like I'm going to need more positive energy today.

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