Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Your funds aren't too low, your needs are too high." ...hmmm, how often do I want more than I need?

A guy I know put this as his Facebook status today. How many times have I complained of no money? I claim I just need a new job to make more. I make more than the average person my age now, why in the world should I have a right to complain? Why could I not just be happy where I'm at and content with what I've been given? It seems I've fallen into the trap of American society in wanting what we don't have. I just keep thinking "I'd love to fly home = $300," or "I'd love an XBOX so I could play games with my best friend = $350," or "I want to go snowboarding = $400/weekend," or even "I'd love to buy that snowboard = $200," or "I still want to spend 3 months in Kenya helping people = $3000." These are all superfluous things. I don't NEED any of it. Personally, the top of the list is to go home, but these are all WANTS not NEEDS. I wish I was in a place where spending this money was actually possible, but I need to be okay that I'm not.

I am actively looking for a new job. I've applied to probably 20 different positions in the last 3 days. I just feel like a change of scenery is necessary and a job where I know how much I'm going to make is definitely on the list of reasons why. I don't like having to go into work praying that I'm going to make enough this week to cover my bills. I want to KNOW that I'll even have extra this month. I guess, we'll see how things go...

I'm at a crossroads right now. Who knows what's next on the agenda for me? I certainly have no idea. I think I am about to end a chapter, but I'm unsure as of what to do when the new one starts. Where will I be? Where do I want to be? And how exactly do I expect to get there?

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