Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I woke up today in a fantastic mood. Took a shower, had breakfast, made my lunch, left at a decent time to get to work and warmed up Lexi (my new car’s name) so she’d be nice and toasty when I got in. I started driving to work and as soon as I came over the hill to get on the interstate the skies opened up and the sun shone through right over Mt. Rainier. My friend’s band, Among the Thirsty, came on my iPod playing my favorite song of theirs so loud at the exact moment talking of new chapters and new beginnings. I couldn’t help but smile and blare the music to keep my spirits up. I got to work in a section where I knew I’d be out of work quick with little money and I walked in to the maitre d asking if I’d move downstairs to take a 15-top and a 7-top right away. Of course I will! That means automatic money instead of relying on people tipping well. And on top of the auto-grats you can get tipped again! So, I left work today with $100 and 4 hours of work.

Went to Whole Foods to volunteer for Lifelong AIDS Alliance tabling for their “Care to Shop” movement. Basically it’s a food donation to give food to the people I always delivered to. I don’t think people in Bellevue know how to smile or acknowledge someone when they speak. I chatted and joked with the employees though and got some free samples. I kept yelling at this guy Brian to say it wouldn’t snow. The forecast said, “No Snow” on my phone. It has to be right! I am NOT driving home in the snow. We all know how I feel about that. On my journey home what happens? It’s snowing. It started as soon as I reached my exit, so I was safe to not have to drive once it stuck to the ground. I just went outside with my roomie Mel and her boyfriend George and there’s a few inches on the ground already and it’s supposed to keep snowing until early morning. I heard about 4am it’s supposed to stop. Depending on the depth of snow, we’ll see if the buses are even driving, but god knows my little Lexi will NOT be on the roads tomorrow after this. There’s no way it’s not snowing at work this time. I had George drive me to work Monday cause it snowed in the morning, but it had all melted away by afternoon. I have to admit I do not like mid-workweek snows. Snow all you want on the weekend cause then I can play, but during the week I have to get 12 miles somehow! We’ll find out I guess. I had planned on going to yoga tomorrow and then to trivia/bingo night with Anna-Lisa and Whitney. It’s all dependent on this crazy weather!

For all of you who were wondering…I finished Sense and Sensibility this afternoon. I’m starting Emma tomorrow. Then I believe next will be Eat, Pray, Love. It’s a work in progress, but I think it’s going well so far. My momma bought me a pretty sweet down comforter, which is supposedly getting here in a couple of days. Just in time for the snow! And to top it off I get to play around with internet on my phone for a whole month! Yippee skippy! I couldn’t thank my sister, Meghann, enough for my kick ass North Face boots because they seem to be the only shoes I can wear in the snow. To top it off they are super warm!! I’m learning layering a little better. I have more winter clothes than I ever believed imaginable. Funny how that works out. Well, I’m off to watch a movie and get to sleep so I can wake up early and figure out how I’m going to get to work in this snow!

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