Monday, January 17, 2011

Rule of Three

So, superstition always told us about the rule of three. Three bad things happen, but then around the corner are the good ones. I know it's only when bad things happen that this proverb (or whatever it is) comes into play, so here I am bringing it up. About three months ago my printer died, two months ago my dear old Ollie died, then as of last night my AMAZING LCD/HDTV said it's final farewell in a quite brilliant version of abstract art.
Oh how sad this day was. I started the day off at LTD (a bar in Fremont) to watch the Seahawks sad sad game, almost winning in the last two minutes. So close, yet so far. Then, I went to the gym for an hour and a half and came home and cleaned. I decided 'today's the day I'm going to change my room.' So I set off on a five hour feat to move my room around so that I could get cable to my tv. It's on the other side of the room so basically I have to move EVERYTHING. I think it's a good time to start clearing away some of the crap I seem to have accumulated slowly throughout these rainy, overcast months. I moved my queen size bed, dresser, "closet," bookshelf all by myself for hours. I was figuring out how to hook up the cable box when I hear a loud THUD from the place all my room essentials were in. I come in to see my Christmas gift from my parents last year on the floor with my shitty DVD player lying on top of it. Not only did it crack the screen in one fatal swoop, but also destroyed every chance of fixing it. Thank you very much $30 DVD player for ruining my $300 TV.

Much love to the universe and hoping some cosmic karmic energy comes my way. I've been a good girl, I swear!

In better news, I'm finding out that both my roommates want to move out and break their lease. This is the chance I've been waiting for to take the 4000 miles back to the East Coast, but see here...I'm not running as fast as I thought I would. I'm actually pretty tentative about going anywhere. I finally have friends that I enjoy hanging out with. I'm finally pretty stable in jobs and life. I'm going to the gym and in an all around better mood about life. Why should I leave? Leaving just requires me to start all over again. Finding new friends. Finding a job. A place to live. It just sounds so exhausting to me. Maybe I like Seattle more than I ever could've conceived. Here I am with a light at the end of the tunnel and I'm gripping the darkness for dear life not wanting to make one single solitary step out of this new comfort zone.

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