Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Funday

Okay, there's actually quite a bit to update for ya'll, but I don't want to spoil it. Once I have more specifics I will let you in on my secrets...if you don't already know.

I've had the most spectacular Sunday today. It was my only day off this week and I had a phenomenal night at work last night. Today Anna-Lisa called me early to go to the Farmer's Market with her where we went and walked around in the FREEZING cold. I haven't been that cold in a very long time. I was not prepared for the chilly, clear day. The sun was out in the morning and it's been in the 50s all week. I should've known it was time for a change. Anyways, we went through the market and she bought a cute maroon hat/visor thing. I'm not sure what the actual name for it is. Then we went and got Pho and a vietnamese sandwich. Delish! It was nice to have a hot bowl of soup on such a chilly day! Then we had a nice relaxing time at her place where she got some work done for her job and convinced me to put up a profile on "plenty of fish."

Yes, so we hear that our generation meets more people online and starts more relationships through cyber chat than through normal human interaction. In my opinion, it's probably just funnier to see exactly what people have to say about themselves...and I might be a tad interested in the types of people that have profiles on here. It never occurred to me that this might actually be a way to meet people. Hmm...

Then we went on a photofest and spent a good half hour taking ridiculously stupid photos and rolling around crying because we were laughing so hard. Sushi was our dinner at my favorite place in my neighborhood! Then she went off on a date.

I came home to my roomie learning Italian and her friend Jake teaching her. So, I sat in there and learned pronunciations and spellings for various nouns/verbs. Italian is fun to speak and a great mix of French and Spanish!

Last but very not least I got to Skype with one of my favorite people, Brandon, tonight. If you don't know, he was one of my really good friends in high school and we've kept in touch all these years (we didn't even go to the same high school!). He got a job as the Asst. Producer of the show "Ice Road Truckers" and is spending the next three months in Canada. He was telling me about how it was -30 degrees and how it was to get to -60 where he was going tomorrow, by God's Lake, Canada. Crazy! That kind of stuff baffles me. And I say I'm cold here when it's only 30!! What?! I. Am. Ridiculous.

I got a little off track with the books. Emma bored me a little so I stopped and I reread an old favorite in the meantime. So, I will have to jump back on my NYR bandwagon. I'll try for finishing Emma by the end of, not this week but, the next week.

Oh, and I'm sure everyone knows already now but I'm an AUNT! It'll be more real when I get to hold her and play with her, but for now I'm just ecstatic to have a little one in the household. I can't wait till that's me (shh...don't tell anyone I said that). I'm too young, but in (quite) a few years it'll be me. I'm the one everyone knows as the kid person. I'm the one that babysat. I'm the one that played with the children at work. I'm the one that, at this point and time, is very happy to give those children BACK to their parents. I just look forward to the future. But for now, Andreia Daniella is my new favorite!

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