Monday, November 22, 2010

Winter Playland

I leave for FL in a few hours, so excited! But what I'm more thrilled about is that it's snowing outside today. It started yesterday, but today it's actually sticking. The coolest part about the snow is being able to look up and watch it swirl above your head each little snowflake unique to itself falling effortlessly to the ground in no familiar pattern. It's just so pretty. One thing to be nervous about is me driving today. I have to go downtown to pick up my roommate from her work so she can take me to the airport. I have absolutely NO IDEA how to drive in these conditions. I've never had a car in the snow before. Apparently, this is pretty unusual for Seattle, the snow and all, but so far it's not enough to shut down the city like it did two years ago. I told my friend Anna-Lisa to wake up early today to check the weather because she wants to take a ton of pictures like the photo shoot I did with my roommate yesterday. If you haven't seen the photos are up on Facebook. We'll see if she actually does though.

So I finally went out with my friends last night. Ruth, Alissa and I went to Shelter and had PB&J Jalapeno Poppers (which are fantastic not matter how weird they sound). Then I headed off to Red Door in Fremont to hang out with my buddy Ryan (Fremont Ryan for those of you that can't keep all my friends straight) and watch the newest episode of "The Walking Dead." Everything's zombies with that kid; it makes me laugh! So we had a couple drinks and for once actually got to hang out and say more than just a few words to each other, which was nice.

I have huge plans for being home that I'm super stoked about. Tomorrow night the fam is going to a play, so that'll be fun. We have tickets to Adrenalina to make complete asses of ourselves. We're going to the Big Cat Rescue. We have Thanksgiving dinner with like 20 something people Thursday. Mom and I have a SegWay tour of Channelside next Tuesday. I'm going to a wedding on Saturday for my awesomest buddy James and I get to be Justin's date! I even bought a pretty teal dress because it's on the beach. I'm supposed to hang out with my friends Brian, Tristen and Nick at some point. I might go over to Kaitie-lynne's thanksgiving day. My best friend, Kaypee, is supposed to drive up this weekend to see me and hang out. My plan is to take my skimboard to the beach for a couple of days. So, you see...lots to do. Lots to see and I can't wait to be out in the sun for a few days. As nice as it is being in the snow, I'm very much looking forward to blue skies instead of white/gray ones.

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