Wednesday, November 17, 2010


So, I'm heading back to FL in t-minus 5 days? By the way, what does the "T" stand for in t-minus? Random errant question.

This is annoying. The "O" key is sticking; I need to see about getting this fixed.

Okay, back to the matters at hand. I head home in a few days; it's supposed to snow the day I leave. Funny how every time I head back to the sun it decides to snow! This time I'm heading home under good pretenses. I'm very excited to be back with my family and back with my friends. I have so many people to see and things to do I have no idea how I'm going to fit it all into 10 days. It makes me happy now I chose to come home for 10 days instead of just for the holiday; there's so much I didn't know I was going to have to do.

Now onto another note. I know how much I've really enjoyed (for the most part) my expedition out west, but now I realize just how much I miss being close to my family and I'm thinking I want to move back East. I've got a few states in mind, some are higher on the list than others. I've been begged and pleaded with to move to New York so many times. It's on the list, but I'm more of an outdoorsy girl and throwing me into the city might not be my idea of a good time. I know, however, I already have friends and family galore there and the transition would be relatively easy. Second on the list is North Carolina. I've always loved this state and when anybody asked I always said I thought it was the perfect blend of seasons, mountains, cities and beaches. I already have friends and family here and the possibility of living near Duke throws me into a tizzy (haha, I can't believe I just used that word). I love that campus, that school and would enjoy any idea of being near there. My cousin would love for me to move closer to her and I'd love to be closer to my cousins in SC and AL. Third on the list is Tennessee. I love Gatlinburg! It's small town, but tourist-y. Plenty of outdoors stuff to do, hiking, biking, kayaking and all. I loved Nashville when I passed through on my roadtrip out west. I'd LOVE to go to Pigeon Forge! Plus the mountains here are spectacular, not as great as the NW, but beautiful nonetheless. I don't exactly know people here, but everyone I met on my night in Nashville was so pleasant and helpful it's hard to think the whole state isn't like that! Once again I'd be moving just to move, but I think this time I'll look into it a bit more than just a few days.

So, those are my three choices so far. We'll see how far I get with this idea because I still have an entire winter to get through here in Washington. I know I'm going to be begging for the sun by the end of it. Well, here goes my start to Vitamin D and hot yoga to get me through the dreary months. Oh, and some surprise visits from friends are always exciting!

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