Sunday, November 7, 2010

Yoga at its finest

Well, I'm definitely in better spirits about my living situation as of this moment than I was last time I wrote. A lot of that change is due to going back to yoga. I don't think I ever want to stop going to yoga considering the changes I've felt over the past week. I went everyday this week and have been progressively more content than when I wasn't going. I can't say happy because I'm definitely not there yet, but at least there's a real smile on my face.

Mostly I'm just trying to come to terms with all my feelings from the past 2 weeks. Everything involved, not just the family stuff, has been a little overwhelming for me. I feel...too much really. Yoga has been the place where I've put my mind completely at ease and not had to think about anything. I didn't go today because I woke up late and then had an actual dinner with both of my roommates (we've never spent more than a few minutes together since I moved in over three months ago!). I haven't spent any time with any other friends because I'm not really ready for the explanations that come with why I haven't seen them in weeks. Basically with my books and movies, I've been spending most of the days by myself. I don't see this as a bad thing, but I'm thinking I need to get back out and socialize again. I just think after being back with my friends from home it's really difficult to have to go back to the "new" friend relationships. I like not having to prove anything, dress as comfortable as possible, not have to impress anyone. We've all been friends long enough to see each other at our worst. So, coming back to Seattle is an unwelcome change in that aspect.

So, another week of working every day, yoga in the evenings and hot bubble baths reading my new copy of "I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell" at night will be what my next week consists of and personally, I have no problem with that.

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