Saturday, December 4, 2010

Take-out Chinese food + Netflix + RedBox = a pretty rad sick day

So, I do not miss Florida. I think I might be allergic to it or something. I used to be chronically sick, if you knew me, it was not fun. I moved to WA almost 6 months ago and have not gotten sick once. Blame it on the palm trees because as soon as I got back into the sunny state I came down with everything imaginable. So, I'm back in the cold, rainy weather with something similar to the flu. I worked from 10:30am yesterday till nearly 1am this morning nearly dying on the 5 block walk back to my car in less than 30 degree weather without my beanie or gloves! So, today has been my do-absolutely-nothing-and-enjoy-it day. I've sat in my pjs all day and watched movie after movie and talked with the roomies, Mel and Jake, all morning. If I thought I had a facebook addiction before, now it's getting much worse.

I've come back to my new home a little more enlightened and in a much better mood. I've diagnosed my bad mood to grief and a little homesickness for friends. After being immersed completely in my friends back home, I'm ready to be back here in Washington. I love you all to death, but I cause way too much drama for my own good there. I need to seriously thank a certain friend of mine in Palm Harbor for allowing me to let go of some of the ideas I was holding on to and with that came huge inspiration. I haven't stopped writing since. I carry a journal with me everywhere just in case something comes to mind. It's the most amazing feeling to think this way again! I feel like I'm finally back to myself again, which could be bad or good depending on who's watching. I haven't gone back to yoga yet and for that I'm kind of sad, but I know as soon as I'm feeling better my butt's going to be in that gym every day.

I got to experience a few things at home that I'm happy to say I will not miss, but I also got to spend some great moments with some people I never thought would've happened again. You see, life is about all of these random, minute changes that happen within us that brings about the differences in our lives. I know for the next few months I will be trying to figure out some sort of plan for what I want to come in the future, but right at this moment I am actually reveling in the uncertainties.

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