Friday, August 12, 2011

Day 12 Today

So, I did my first double on Day 8-9. It was...difficult. I did a 75 min Bikram followed by a 90 min Bikram. Needless to say I thought it was 75 Vinyasa and 90 Bikram which is, to say the least, do-able. I struggled through the second class because of a lack of water and proper motivation. The only thing that made me go to the second class was Derek. He's a guy I befriended because he's working on his 90-day challenge! He's done with it next week! Can you believe that?! 90 days. Ugh. I definitely couldn't do that. Well, I possibly could, but then I'd have no weekend trips or weekends in the 'Boro. That would just be awful.

Day 10 went by in a haze. I went to the 6am class and Kelly (one of the sisters) taught this class. Let's just say she's definitely tougher than her sister. She teaches a pretty stringent class, but I've heard I haven't had the worst yet. Her name is Jenn and she normally teaches the 6am; I've never had her. I focused on breathing this day. I'm just having a difficult time with that. I stayed in child's pose most of this. My body was just drained. No stamina. No drive. So I did what I could and tried to keep an open mind for the next day.

Day 11 was another 6am sunrise yoga. Kelly taught again, but this time I kept up only going into child's pose a few times. I grabbed a block to help with my reaches because I still, in fact, cannot touch my toes. Which is kind of a bummer. I thought almost halfway through this that I'd be further along. I won't let it get to me though. These are the kind of things to breathe through and move passed.

Day 12 is today :) I'm planning on going to the 7:45pm class. It's only an hour, but I need to stay at work today a little longer than usual. Trying to make those big bucks, you know? Ha. Anyways, it's only 60 mins and I figured out what my focus would be on today: pulling my stomach in and locking my core. I find this is another problem I have which I only notice in certain poses, so I need to focus on it. And today I cannot decide between Reid or my sister to be the reason why I go. I think Reid's going to be the winner today (sorry Meg, he needs it more). If any of you know anyone or any job opening in Nashville, let me know so I can send his resume along. Never hurts to ask!

On another note, Reid and I got accepted on our apartment!!! I know, I'm excited too. It's super nice, in a great area (upper Bellevue by Belle Meade). I've got to call them today to talk about when to put down the deposit, but probably soon. It's a 3bd/2ba which we got at an insane price! Cute little neighborhood, right by one other woman in my lab. She says we'll have to have dinner parties now being so close! Woo friends. We have furniture for the 2 bedrooms, but we're trying to figure out where to go with the third...any ideas? Let me know. A whole other room to do whatever with for cheaper than a 2 bedroom (by almost $100), kind of cool. No, it is cool.

Work is calling. I wish everyone a great day today.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

End of Week 1

Today starts Days 8 and 9 (hopefully working my way through two classes today!).

This week has not been as tough as I expected. I was a little sore Day 3, but fine by Days 4 and 5. I set the focus of my practices this week on breathing. As I said before, I hold my breath through anything I find difficult, but slowly I am learning to breathe through the difficulties. Now if only I could adopt that into my daily life. Days 4, 5 and 6 I sent all my positive energies out to my sister, Meghann. She's waiting in her last week and a half to hear back about whether her thesis is accepted. I know my sister pretty well, so I know she has nothing to worry about, but she is indescribably anxious (as one would expect)and she can take as much positive energy as she's given!

Day 7, however, I switched it up. I had a bit of a disagreement, fight, tiff (whatever you want to call it) with Reid. He's just going through a rough patch which, in turn, means I am going through it as well. It's hard for me to stand by and show support and be unendingly optimistic because I've been in his shoes. I know how it feels and it is miserable. I just need him to see that in the end it all gets better, but first you swallow your pride (everyone does it) and accept anything that comes your way. I was a little harsh with him and I apologized, but I went into yoga in a bit of a funk. I just couldn't break it. Anything that anyone did set me on edge. A girl slams her mat on the ground and I cringe, ball up my fists because it's the only thing stopping me from yelling at her for not being quiet in the meditation room. A guy coughs and all I think is he should be quiet. I needed silence. Peace. I needed some stillness and energy my way, but I dedicated mine to him. He needs the love and reassurance that I so did not give him yesterday.

Happily though, he showed up on my doorstep last night apologizing and hoping for a better night last night and day today. I came in to work early and picked an early class for yoga so we could have all night together, but alas he left to go the 45 minute drive back home. Sitting at my house all day while I'm at work is apparently not a fun time.

Looks like I'm going to need more positive energy today.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 2/Day 3

I was stoked to be going to a sunrise yoga class, but a little apprehensive to the fact that it was Vinyasa. I made my focus and goal of this class just to make it through it. Nothing else. Just be present, breathe and listen. I did just that and did every posture but 1 and a half. I was so proud of myself for completing it! I've never been able to do that through a Vinyasa before.

Wednesday I was ridiculously sore from Day 1 and Day 2, so I decided to take my break. I took one day, which will not happen again.

Today I took a 60 min Bikram class. These are my favorites, but I prefer the 90 mins better. I decided to make my focus on breathing this evening. I notice I hold my breath through difficult things, postures, life experiences, etc. I need to learn to breathe through it. Take each good thing in and exhale the bad. So, tonight, that's exactly what I did and I dedicated my practice to Reid. He needs positive karma to come his way for the next few weeks while he tries to find a job; I sent all my energy waves his way.

If you'd like me to dedicate my positive energy towards you in a practice or need help through something that's going on in your life- tell my mother or me and I will send my energy your way. Tomorrow is another sunrise yoga and then perhaps an evening class to make up for Wednesday. Good luck to me.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Day 1

"Accept the things you cannot change and change the things you cannot accept."

I started Day 1 of my 30 days of Hot Yoga. I'm writing this so all of you, every single one of you, can help me stay accountable. It was a difficult class, to say the least. It's hard to try and jump back into this. Needless to say, the heat got to me and I sat in child's pose for almost 6 positions. It happens. Tomorrow is a new day. I feel very good leaving this class tonight; I'm looking forward to growing in this the same way I did the last time I tried (unsuccessfully) to do a 30-day challenge. I believe last time I ended up making it to about 20 days, not in sequence.

I decided to do this challenge because over the past couple of weeks something has felt like it's been missing. Not in a bad way, just in a funk, trying to figure things out kind of way. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE every part of my life here. I love my boyfriend, my job, the few sporadic friends I'm starting to make. Every part of my life here in Nashville has been spectacular, but I still have some days where I go to sleep craving something different, something new, something challenging. So here I am everyone- I'm going to do an entire month of Hot Yoga. No days off. No sick days. No vacation days. Just 30 solid days of yoga.

Good luck to me.