Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'll keep you posted.

I'm in an odd state of transition it feels like.

A year after moving I feel the urge to get up and move again. I just got back from San Francisco and Napa with my sister and mom. Now I just keep thinking about what's next. I know what I've been wanting to do for so long, Ph.D and research and such, but it's all so long in the making. I have my whole life to work on that part of it. I want to see the world. I want to volunteer. I want to live and study abroad. I don't want to be stuck for another 5 years in one place, especially one I don't particularly like. I can't see myself here in Nashville and another 5 years to complete a program feels suffocating. I had a hard enough time spending the time to complete a bachelors in one city, so I finished it a year and a half early. A little over 3 years was my limit...

As I sit here and write this I realize just how true my words really are. I can't see myself here. I want to move again. I want to keep moving. I feel like, yet again, I'm waiting on my life to start. My life is still continuing. I remind myself of that everyday. Now I ask myself if I did get up and leave what would I do. How would I survive? What would be my income? I don't have the same life I used to, then at the same time I know I do. Life is not the same easy-going situation it was when I was in college. I don't have constant funds. I have health insurance until I leave my job. I have a car and car payments and insurance. I have a cat. I don't want to settle. I don't want to settle down. I want to leave. I want to get up and start life somewhere new yet again. I need constant change. It feels so great to feel open to this possibility again. I just don't know.

What to do. Where to go. Maybe travel abroad with Reid for awhile. Work at hostels and make our way through Europe or Asia or Aussie and NZ (my favorite place in the world). I can see us doing that. I can see both of us picking up and leaving. I want another year of this. Save some money. Make a life and a name in research then do just that. I start my second year in my profession of choice tomorrow. I'll be in it. I've been learning, expanding, researching. I have my ENTIRE life to live. I need to not limit myself to the life that other people set out for me to live. You and I both know that's not me. I'm not the person to set myself down to the life everyone else has.

Now I just need to figure out/think of something to do. I'll keep you posted.

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