Friday, April 22, 2011


Life, in general, defies expectations. The unexpected happens. The road swerves the opposite way you believed. The tides turn. Catastrophes occur and miracles transcend. Doubts are perceived and worries acknowledged.

Sometimes in life every road leads to the same place. Sometimes fate intervenes and all you can do is just enjoy what you've been given. Sometimes everything in life is a route guiding you towards happiness.

I feel like every class, every job, every day, every moment has led me to this specific place in my life. The culmination of my dreams and accomplishments. The ideas and speculations and plans and goals led me to Nashville, TN. I had no notion, no precognitive claim as to what this move would have entailed for me. All I thought about was that 1. I got a job! and 2. I'm moving back to the sunshine. There was not one part of me that would have anticipated my world to do a complete 180.

I know I have been completely and utterly failing at my updates via blog, but you'll understand. My life is so worth every second of experiencing it; I haven't even watched my tv shows since I moved here. Every minute of the day I'm ecstatic that I'm here. The blue skies. The warm sunshine. The feeling of being 'whole' for the first time. It's hard to imagine anything so exceptional as this. I absolutely adore my job. I'm working on about 4 different projects right now in the laboratory. I'm doing database work, experiments, cataloging and reorganizing for both of my bosses. I love every person I work with and have yet to run into one person that's not incredibly easy to get along with. We laugh, we joke, we watch crazy youtube videos. I jam to my music most of the day and talk and enjoy my lab's company the rest of it. Even those 12 hour days can't put a dent in my euphoric moods.

Now on to the single-handedly most amazing reasons why I love Nashville, yes other than my job: Reid. I met him about a week into moving here and after 3 dates we were both hooked. I don't think anybody has seen me act like this since...ever. I could gush and bore you with the details of our relationship, but I'll leave you all alone to your own imaginings. Just know one thing: we work exceptionally well together.

Today has been a perfect day. I went to work. I came home. My parents came in and so did Reid and we all went to Centennial Park to walk around the Parthenon. Dinner at a delicious PM and then Las Paletas in the village. Tomorrow we're off for a whirlwind of activities for Earth Day! I'll do my best to keep this up way more, but alas I do suppose I will end up owing ya'll again. I'll try though! Good night all.