Sunday, March 6, 2011


I am OFFICIALLY ecstatic!

Sarah agreed to take over my lease and is making all of the arrangements with the landlord in the coming week. As of 8:15pm PST, I am officially DONE with everything I needed to do in Seattle. All I need to do now is take some Nyquil and pass out only to start my 6-day excursion to Tennessee at 5am tomorrow!

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! I can't even contain my happiness. I just had a high-five sesh with my future ex-roommate Julia. YES!

Trials and Tribs of Moving

This has been one hell of an adventure already and I haven't even left yet.

Two weeks ago today I found out I got a job in Nashville, TN. After living in Seattle for 8 months I have to, once again, pick up and move my entire life within the confines of my car. I was given two weeks to move and get settled. I asked for an extra week just so I could end on good terms with my still current job serving at Wild Ginger and they granted me that much. My official start date is March 14. Exactly ONE week to transplant my life from the West Coast to the Central time zone.

This time, however, I will be making my trip with a slightly different companion! Lexi is about to take her first trip out of the city of Seattle! She's in much better shape, but way smaller than my dear old Ollie. I know you all don't need to worry about her, but I will be making the first three days of this trip on my own. That's right. The first 20 or so hours of driving will be entirely by myself. I look forward to and dread this portion, but I'm so excited for what I have planned. Still in limbo about where to be the second and third day, but I'll figure that out as I go.

Now for why in the past two weeks I've been going crazy...I'm sick. I've gotten sick ONCE since I moved to Seattle, yet it seems I've stressed myself out to the point of no return that my body just leans toward sickness. This is going to suck driving when all I seem to want to do is sleep. I'll get through it though. Lots of medication, water and a box of Kleenex in the passengers seat.

I ran into a little snafoo (spelling?) regarding my bank account. I made sure not to go out this month to save all my money for the drive and my partying habits in the places I will be going. I had $700 in my account with another good amount of money coming in during the week I'm traveling and more coming once I get settled into Nashville. In other words, GOOD TO GO! I had all my bills paid for and then I get that disastrous phone call saying my balance is low. There's no way! No possible way! I could only think my debit card got stolen or something. I check my balance: $14.99. Not even $15 to travel cross-country! Seriously?! What the hell am I supposed to do?! My rent got taken out of my account TWICE. My landlady claims the money isn't in her account, yet it's NOT in mine and it says it was deposited to HERS! So, I have to wait until Monday to talk to USAA to try and straighten this out, but let's just add another stressor to the list of reasons why this is going to be a ridiculous adventure for me! Crap.

Then to top it all off. I still do not have someone to take my room here in Seattle when I'm gone. It's the only thing left that I have to do/worry about and I wish I could just know already. I have a lady who's extremely interested, but she's not making her decision until this evening. As if I had enough to worry about, now I have to worry about whether or not come this evening I will have to continue searching for a roommate on the road and even when I will be living 2 timezones away! Come on! I'm just ready for everything to be done. I just want to be in Nashville. I want to be sitting comfy cozy in my lab coat at my new job and sitting happy because all these worries will be behind me!

Oh, I wish it could all come sooner.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Holy Orange Cows, Batman!

It seems like I owe you all an explanation.

If you haven’t heard from my mother, or myself (which I haven’t told anywhere near as many people as she has) then you have no idea why I haven’t had a spare moment to jot down anything to tell you. Well, GOOD NEWS to all!

I got a job!!!

Yes, you saw that correctly. Gillian has earned her first “big kid” job. Get excited because the news gets even better. The job is in the field I actually studied in college. What? What college grad do you know can actually say that? Wait…there’s more! I will be working as a research assistant at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. I was also offered up to 70% of my tuition for grad school paid for by my new job! So, I get a job and basically accepted to get my Masters and/or Ph.D!

So, get this straight…In the past two weeks I have interviewed three times for a position, been offered said position under the table and then ON the table, after that I put in my two weeks notice at 3 jobs here in Seattle, I found a place to live in Nashville, I planned out a fun week-long trip back to that side of the US and I have packed up my entire room and sold all my furniture. I’m currently looking for a roommate to fill my room here and we’ve had a few really great candidates, while two more are coming any minute now. This is my down time - that moment between finishing up one project and beginning another. Hence, why I have not had one spare moment to write anyone as to what is going on in my life.

I won’t lie; this is a little daunting. I’m about to move cross-country twice within 8 months. That’s right, a full year has passed and I have moved from Orlando to Tampa, Tampa to Seattle and Seattle to Nashville. Wow. Even I’m amazed. I’m a whole mess of emotions right now. I’m trying to subdue the excitement to deal with every other emotion that’s been running through my brain! Apprehension, Sadness, Happiness, Anxiety, I’m just a roller coaster right now. I’m sure you all understand.

I think most of my excitement is for the projects I will be working on. My time will be delegated between two physician scientists, Dr. Ware and Dr. Girard. My research includes Acute Lung Injuries and Delirium in ICU patients. Apparently Dr. Girard already has projects planned for me outside of my bench work at the lab, and yes, my job is bedside to bench work. I get to actually discuss and collect samples from patients and do the lab work I’ve been dreaming about since I was in kindergarten. Yes, kindergarten was the first time I wrote down that I wanted to be a scientist, so this is literally my dream come true!