Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Two Months and counting...

Rainy season is soon to start here. I’ve got a few coats, my rainboots, Uggs and boots to get me through. I’ll have to buy a couple more just so I can have a little variety in my wardrobe. It doesn’t exactly rain here, just a sprinkle that lasts pretty much all day. It’s that annoying cold sprinkle that gets your hair just damp enough to not hold in the style you spent all morning putting together. Everyone keeps warning me about the upcoming months saying November is the worst. Lucky for me I’ll be gone almost 2 weeks in November to sunny Florida! I’m pretty ecstatic to see my sisters and friends. It’ll be a nice change of pace from the dreary cold here.

The way the weather changes here is insane. Yesterday it was hot and nice enough outside that I put on my bathing suit and walked to the beach. Today I wore a sweatshirt outside, so the rain and cold wouldn’t get to me. Weird.

A lot has been happening here! Still in the process of making those new friends and trying to keep up with the others. As I’ve said many times before, people here are just different. No way to explain the difference; you just have to see it for yourself. I met a few people this past Saturday when I volunteered at the Seattle AIDS 5K Run/Walk. I had to be there at 7:30am! It was a lot of fun though. After I did my position, a couple of other volunteers and I started a dance party by the Dr. Pepper tent. We had free food everywhere for all the walkers and runners. The volunteers all had on bright, neon green shirts that said either “Obey Me” or “Ask Me.” I thought they were AWESOME! I wish I’d had a camera to show the insanity that ensued during this event. There were over 3000 walkers, 300 runners and like 400+ staff throughout the entire day! I can’t wait to do it next year!

I finally got a bookshelf for my TV and books. It suits the room pretty well and doesn’t take up a lot of space, so it’s very nice to have. I finally finished reading the book “The Winner Stands Alone” by Paulo Coeltho. It was very good, very interesting. My roommate Mel took my other book away, Awakening, because she had to send it back to the guy we borrowed it from. I was kind of upset until she said she bought it online so I could read it when it got here.

Work is hectic. I work a lot, almost every day between the catering job and the serving job. I’ve tried a ton of foods I’ve never tried before at Wild Ginger. They’ve made me eat seabass, scallops, clams, mussels, and duck. Seabass is gross and clams are the worst food ever. I think it’s funny that people want to be there when I try something new. Apparently my facial expressions tell it all! Work is getting better though. I’m much more comfortable in my surroundings and I’ve started hanging out with people outside of work more. It’s nice to have people to call when I’m bored. Boredom isn’t really much of an issue though. I work almost every morning. Today and Thursday I have classes at night so I can volunteer for the Lifelong AIDS program. Wednesday I’m supposed to meet up with a friend at night for dinner or something. Saturday night I might be going to a show. Tons to do! So far so good here. I have friends planning on coming up here or meeting me in Cali, so I’m really excited to see where all of this leads! I need to get on top of my GRE studies too. I’ve been slacking since I started working so much. I want to get kayaking in too before summer is officially over. Apparently the lake a few blocks away from me has a great area for it that’s relatively cheap. I’ll try it out one of these days. Anyways, I’m going to take a quick cat nap before I head out for the night. Hope that’s somewhat of an excuse for how much I’ve neglected my blog. SORRY!